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NexGard Plus for Dogs

NexGard Plus for Dogs provides all-in-one monthly protection against parasites for your dog. It kills 벼룩, prevents heartworm disease, and treats and controls roundworms and hookworms. It comes in a delicious, beef-flavored chew that dogs love.

NexGard Plus may be offered to your dog by hand, or broken up into pieces and included with their food. If hidden in food, make sure that the tablet has been swallowed. It is not necessary to administer the chewable with a meal.

  • 다양한 종류의 해충을 박멸하는 광범위한 약품
  • 급여 후 6-8시간 내에 빠르게 벼룩을 사멸시킴
  • 간편한 관리를 위해 소고기맛 츄어블 형태로 제작
  • 액상형 국소도포제보다 사용하기 편리함

What is NexGard Spectra (NexGard Plus EU version)?

Manufactured by the same company Boehringer Ingelheim, NexGard Spectra serves as its equivalent in some regions of the Globe. NexGard Spectra stands as a leading choice in Europe for safeguarding your furry companion against a broad spectrum of parasites. NexGard Spectra provides exactly the same an all-in-one solution for flea, tick, and internal parasite control, alongside heartworm prevention.

NexGard Plus vs NexGard Spectra

NexGard Spectra is 62% cheaper than NexGard Plus (based on prices from major online retailers).

  NexGard Plus
NexGard Plus
NexGard Spectra
넥스가드 스펙트럼
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6 chews from $194.29 $72.95
벼룩치료 yes tick yes tick
벼룩예방 - -
벼룩알과 유충 사멸효과 새로 생긴 벼룩이 알을 낳기 전에 사멸시킴 새로 생긴 벼룩이 알을 낳기 전에 사멸시킴
진드기치료 yes tick yes tick
진드기예방 - -
모기물림방지 및 모기사멸 - -
심장사상충 예방 yes tick yes tick
회충 예방 yes tick yes tick
십이지장충 예방 yes tick yes tick
편충 예방 yes tick yes tick
수유 혹은 임신 중인 애완동물에게 안전함 - -
약효시간 6 - 8시간 이내에 벼룩을 사멸시킴 6 - 8시간 이내에 벼룩을 사멸시킴
사용법 소고기 츄어블 (씹어먹는 약) 소고기 츄어블 (씹어먹는 약)
권장 복용/사용량 매달 1회 매달 1회

Is NexGard Plus / NexGard Spectra suitable for my dog?

It is suitable for use with dogs and puppies from 8 weeks of age. Dogs should be tested for existing heartworm infection before starting NexGard Plus / NexGard Spectra.

What are the side effects of NexGard Plus?

Reported side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders.

특별히 주의해야하는 사항이 있나요?

  • 다른 동물이나 어린이의 손에 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.
  • 사람에게는 급여할 수 없습니다.
  • 고양이에게 절대 사용하지 마세요.
  • 8주령 이하의 강아지에게 급여하시면 안됩니다.
  • The safe use of NexGard Plus with breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs has not been evaluated.

Nexgard Plus


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